1.Arrangements or rights under which the holder holds or uses land. Land rented out is not considered to be part of the holding. A holding
may be operated under one or more tenure forms, with each parcel normally operated under one tenure form. All data regarding land tenure should be collected for the same time reference. This definition is used for land belonging to an agricultural holding. Choudhury. and Jansen (1997)
2.Arrangement or right that allows a person or a community to use specific pieces of land and associated resources (e.g. water, trees, etc.) in a certain period of time and for particular purposes. There are many land tenure systems that allow people to use the same property for different purposes. For example, the farming rights can belong to one person, while the trees to another and the fruit of the trees to someone else. Leasing and renting are kinds of land tenure, just
as is share-cropping. Thus, there exists a hierarchy of land tenure interests in the same parcel. Example: One person often holds the right
to use a specific resource, another may hold the allocation rights and finally someone else holds the alienation rights (that is the person who can sell the land). Choudhury. and Jansen (1997)
3. The ownership or leasing system of land, or of the rights to use it. FAO (1993)