During his brief five-month tenure Schlesinger chopped more than two thousand employees from the payroll.
After 11 months at Hilton, Bollenbach has had a similar kind of brief , high-impact tenure .
It was only at the end of McKerrows long tenure in 1940 that the Review was taken over by the Oxford Press.
At the end of March 1921 Baldwin's long tenure of the Financial Secretaryship came to an end.
More important, the younger Pitt, during his long tenure of office, laid the foundations of the nineteenth-century Tory party.
They suggest therefore that greater emphasis be given to housing tenure in evaluating relative deprivation.
It is clear that housing tenure is associated with major differentials in patterns of marriage and childbearing.
As expected, the association between social class and housing tenure is very strong.
What is more surprising is that differentials by housing tenure are even more substantial.
This strongly suggests that housing tenure is associated with more substantial and fundamental aspects than simply housing matters.
Jackson and Robinson found local cultural reinforcement by the sub-group in hostels. 2 Structural problems of land tenure and credit finance.
Forms of land tenure varied widely from one region to another in Piedmont.
The court ruled that the teacher could be transferred despite her tenure status .
First, a statute may require that the school board take affirmative action to elect a teacher to tenure status .
A teacher can also lose tenure status by accepting a teaching position in another school district.
However, she was not automatically entitled to tenure status .
The court concluded that it would be inconsistent with these purposes for it to confer tenure status on a teacher.
If a professor doesn't get tenure after ten years, he probably never will.
Under Richardson's tenure as commander, the Navy grew dramatically.
At a local scale, table 5.5 shows differences in tenure within Devon, an example of a predominantly rural county.
No successor could hope for such an earth-moving tenure as that.
The situation for teachers without tenure varies according to the circumstances surrounding the dismissal.
The system of reversion could also be used, as we have seen, to establish something near to defacto hereditary tenure .
They suggest therefore that greater emphasis be given to housing tenure in evaluating relative deprivation.
When I got tenure at Hopkins, I was a promising researcher.