transcription, транскрипция: [ dɪə ]
adj., n., adv., & int. --adj. 1 a beloved or much esteemed. b as a merely polite or ironic form (my dear man). 2 used as a formula of address, esp. at the beginning of letters (Dear Sir). 3 (often foll. by to) precious; much cherished. 4 (usu. in superl.) earnest, deeply felt (my dearest wish). 5 a high-priced relative to its value. b having high prices. c (of money) available as a loan only at a high rate of interest. --n. (esp. as a form of address) dear person. --adv. at a high price or great cost (buy cheap and sell dear; will pay dear). --int. expressing surprise, dismay, pity, etc. (dear me!; oh dear!; dear, dear!). øDear John colloq. a letter terminating a personal relationship. for dear life see LIFE. øødearly adv. (esp. in sense 3 of adj.). dearness n. [OE deore f. Gmc]