Synonyms and related words :
admired, adored, affectionate, angel, at a premium, at great cost, at great expense, at heavy cost, babe, baby, baby-doll, beloved, beloved object, beyond price, buttercup, cherished, cherub, chick, chickabiddy, costly, crush, darling, dear one, dear-bought, dearly, dearly beloved, deary, devoted, doll, doting, duck, duckling, esteemed, expensive, fancy, favored, favorite, fond, golden, good as gold, heartthrob, held dear, high, high-priced, hon, honey, honey bunch, honey child, honored, inestimable, invaluable, lamb, lambkin, light of love, love, loved, loved one, lover, lovesome, luxurious, not affordable, of great cost, of great price, pet, petkins, popular, precious, precious heart, premium, priceless, pricey, prized, revered, rich, snookums, steep, stiff, sugar, sumptuous, sweet, sweetheart, sweetie, sweetkins, sweets, top, treasure, treasured, truelove, unpayable, valuable, valued, venerated, well-beloved, well-liked, white-haired, worthy,