transcription, транскрипция: [ ˈpə:tʃəs ]
v. & n. 1 acquire by payment; buy. 2 obtain or achieve at some cost. 3 Naut. haul up (an anchor etc.) by means of a pulley, lever, etc. --n. 1 the act or an instance of buying. 2 something bought. 3 Law the acquisition of property by one's personal action and not by inheritance. 4 a a firm hold on a thing to move it or to prevent it from slipping; leverage. b a device or tackle for moving heavy objects. 5 the annual rent or return from land. øpurchase tax Brit. hist. a tax on goods bought, levied at higher rates for non-essential or luxury goods. øøpurchasable adj. purchaser n. [ME f. AF purchacer, OF pourchacier seek to obtain (as PUR-, CHASE(1))]