transcription, транскрипция: [ ˈsi:zn ]
n. & v. --n. 1 each of the four divisions of the year (spring, summer, autumn, and winter) associated with a type of weather and a stage of vegetation. 2 a time of year characterized by climatic or other features (the dry season). 3 a the time of year when a plant is mature or flowering etc. b the time of year when an animal breeds or is hunted. 4 a proper or suitable time. 5 a time when something is plentiful or active or in vogue. 6 (usu. prec. by the) = high season. 7 the time of year regularly devoted to an activity (the football season). 8 the time of year dedicated to social life generally (went up to London for the season). 9 a period of indefinite or varying length. 10 Brit. colloq. = season ticket. --v. 1 tr. flavour (food) with salt, herbs, etc. 2 tr. enhance with wit, excitement, etc. 3 tr. temper or moderate. 4 tr. & intr. a make or become suitable or in the desired condition, esp. by exposure to the air or weather; mature. b make or become experienced or accustomed (seasoned soldiers). øin season 1 (of foodstuff) available in plenty and in good condition. 2 (of an animal) on heat. 3 timely. season ticket a ticket entitling the holder to any number of journeys, admittances, etc., in a given period. øøseasoner n. [ME f. OF seson f. L satio -onis (in Rmc sense 'seed-time') f. serere sat- sow]