transcription, транскрипция: [ spred ]
v. & n. --v. (past and past part. spread) 1 tr. (often foll. by out) a open or extend the surface of. b cause to cover a larger surface (spread butter on bread). c display to the eye or the mind (the view was spread out before us). 2 intr. (often foll. by out) have a wide or specified or increasing extent (on every side spread a vast desert; spreading trees). 3 intr. & tr. become or make widely known, felt, etc. (rumours are spreading; spread a little happiness). 4 tr. a cover the surface of (spread the wall with paint; a meadow spread with daisies). b lay (a table). --n. 1 the act or an instance of spreading. 2 capability of expanding (has a large spread). 3 diffusion (spread of learning). 4 breadth, compass (arches of equal spread). 5 an aircraft's wing-span. 6 increased bodily girth (middle-aged spread). 7 the difference between two rates, prices, etc. 8 colloq. an elaborate meal. 9 a sweet or savoury paste for spreading on bread etc. 10 a bedspread. 11 printed matter spread across two facing pages or across more than one column. 12 US a ranch with extensive land. øspread eagle 1 a representation of an eagle with legs and wings extended as an emblem. 2 hist. a person secured with arms and legs spread out, esp. to be flogged. spread-eagle (usu. as spread-eagled adj.) 1 place (a person) in this position. 2 defeat utterly. 3 spread out. --adj. US bombastic, esp. noisily patriotic. spread oneself be lavish or discursive. spread one's wings see WING. øøspreadable adj. spreader n. [OE -spródan f. WG]