n. & v. --n. 1 a a trader's stand or booth in a market etc., or out of doors. b a compartment in a building for the sale of goods. c a table in this on which goods are exposed. 2 a a stable or cowhouse. b a compartment for one animal in this. 3 a a fixed seat in the choir or chancel of a church, more or less enclosed at the back and sides and often canopied, esp. one appropriated to a clergyman (canon's stall; dean's stall). b the office or dignity of a canon etc. 4 (usu. in pl.) Brit. each of a set of seats in a theatre, usu. on the ground floor. 5 a a compartment for one person in a shower-bath, lavatory, etc. b a compartment for one horse at the start of a race. 6 a the stalling of an engine or aircraft. b the condition resulting from this. 7 a receptacle for one object (finger-stall). --v. 1 a intr. (of a motor vehicle or its engine) stop because of an overload on the engine or an inadequate supply of fuel to it. b intr. (of an aircraft or its pilot) reach a condition where the speed is too low to allow effective operation of the controls. c tr. cause (an engine or vehicle or aircraft) to stall. 2 tr. a put or keep (cattle etc.) in a stall or stalls esp. for fattening (a stalled ox). b furnish (a stable etc.) with stalls. 3 intr. a (of a horse or cart) stick fast as in mud or snow. b US be snowbound. østall-feed fatten (cattle) in a stall. [OE steall f. Gmc, rel. to STAND: partly f. OF estal f. Frank.]
Meaning of STALL in English
English main colloquial, spoken dictionary. Английский основной разговорный словарь. 2012