transcription, транскрипция: [ wɪʃ ]
v. & n. --v. 1 intr. (often foll. by for) have or express a desire or aspiration for (wish for happiness). 2 tr. (often foll. by that + clause, usu. with that omitted) have as a desire or aspiration (I wish I could sing; I wished that I was dead). 3 tr. want or demand, usu. so as to bring about what is wanted (I wish to go; I wish you to do it; I wish it done). 4 tr. express one's hopes for (we wish you well; wish them no harm; wished us a pleasant journey). 5 tr. (foll. by on, upon) colloq. foist on a person. --n. 1 a a desire, request, or aspiration. b an expression of this. 2 a thing desired (got my wish). øbest (or good) wishes hopes felt or expressed for another's happiness etc. wish-fulfilment a tendency for subconscious desire to be satisfied in fantasy. wishing-well a well into which coins are dropped and a wish is made. the wish is father to the thought we believe a thing because we wish it true. øøwisher n. (in sense 4 of v.); (also in comb.). [OE wyscan, OHG wunsken f. Gmc, ult. rel. to WEEN, WONT]