Meaning of EXCHANGE in English


1. to exchange one thing for another

2. when you exchange one thing for another

3. ways of saying what you give or get when you exchange things


see also




1. to exchange one thing for another

▷ exchange /ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ/ [transitive verb]

to give something to someone and receive a similar thing from them at the same time :

exchange addresses/telephone numbers

▪ We exchanged addresses and phone numbers.

exchange something for something

▪ Foreign currency can be exchanged for sterling at any bank.

▷ swap /swɒpǁswɑːp/ [intransitive/transitive verb] informal

to exchange something with someone, especially with someone you know well, so that you each get something that you want :

▪ Jacky had the book I wanted, but wasn’t willing to swap.

swap something with somebody

▪ Taylor offered to swap jobs with me.

swap something for something

▪ I’m trying to sell my bike, or swap it for a slightly bigger one.

▷ trade /treɪd/ [intransitive/transitive verb] especially American

to exchange something that you have for something that someone else has :

▪ We liked each other’s clothes, so we traded.

trade something for something

▪ The West is accused of trading weapons for hostages.

I’ll trade you

spoken say this when you want to exchange something

▪ I’ll trade you my baseball for those two cars.

▷ do a swap /ˌduː ə ˈswɒpǁ-ˈswɑːp/ [verb phrase] British

an informal expression: if two people do a swap with each other they exchange things so that they each get what they want :

do a swap with somebody

▪ If you can’t work a particular shift, you can always do a swap with a colleague.

▷ trade in /ˌtreɪd ˈɪn/ [transitive phrasal verb]

to give your old car, washing machine etc to the shop that you are buying a new one from, so that they will let you buy the new one for a slightly lower price :

trade in something

▪ You can get quite good price reductions on new cars if you trade in your old one.

trade something/it/them in

▪ My car was now six years old, so I traded it in and got a newer one.

trade in something for

▪ They traded in their Porsche for a family car.

▷ change British /exchange American /tʃeɪndʒ, ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ/ [transitive verb]

to exchange something you have bought or chosen because you have decided you want something different or because there is something wrong with it :

▪ If the trousers are the wrong size you can always change them.

change something for something

▪ Can I exchange this sweater for a black one?

▷ barter /ˈbɑːʳtəʳ/ [intransitive/transitive verb]

to exchange something that you have for something that you want or need without giving or taking money for it :

barter something for something

▪ In the local market, meat and vegetables are bartered for electrical goods.

barter with

▪ She had some success in bartering with her guards.

barter [uncountable noun]

▪ In the mountain areas, most of the trade is still done by barter people barter to get what they need .

▷ switch /swɪtʃ/ [intransitive/transitive verb]

to exchange something so that two or more things or people change the places that they are in :

▪ He was accused of switching the price labels on goods.

▪ Professor Rigby’s talk may be switched to the main hall.

switch seats/places

▪ We switched seats halfway through the show.

▷ change places /ˌtʃeɪndʒ ˈpleɪsə̇z/ [verb phrase]

to exchange the place you are standing or sitting on with another person :

change places with

▪ Would you mind changing places with me?

▷ change partners /ˌtʃeɪndʒ ˈpɑːʳtneʳz/ [verb phrase]

if a group of people who are dancing change partners, they stop dancing with one person and dance with another person in the group :

▪ We agreed to change partners after a couple of dances.

2. when you exchange one thing for another

▷ exchange /ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ/ [countable noun usually singular]

when you give something to someone and receive a similar thing from them at the same time :

▪ Sale goods can be brought back to the store for an exchange or store credit.

exchange of

▪ The exchange of prisoners took place on a bridge over the Mekong river.

▪ In any negotiations there must be an honest exchange of information.

▷ interchange /ˈɪntəʳtʃeɪndʒ/ [countable noun usually singular]

the useful exchange of ideas or information between people or organizations, especially when this happens continuously over a long period of time :

interchange of

▪ The conference provides a forum for the interchange of ideas and information.

data/document interchange

the exchange of information by computer

▪ The new program should help solve some of the problems of data interchange between companies with different computer systems.

▷ swap /swɒpǁswɑːp/ especially British /trade /treɪd/ especially American [countable noun usually singular] informal

when you give something to someone and receive a similar thing from them, usually someone you know :

▪ If you are unable to sell your house, it is sometimes possible to arrange a swap.

▪ After a brief discussion we agreed a trade.

3. ways of saying what you give or get when you exchange things

▷ in exchange/in return /ɪn ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ, ɪn rɪˈtɜːʳn/ [adverb]

if you give something or do something in exchange or in return for something else, you give it in order to get something else back :

▪ He is always willing to help people out, without expecting anything in return.

in exchange/in return for

▪ In exchange for giving evidence in court, Jacobs was granted freedom and allowed to leave the country.

▷ for /fəʳ ; strong fɔːʳ/ [preposition]

in exchange for :

give/offer somebody something for something

▪ They gave me £200 for my old car.

▪ She offered me $30 for my bike.

▪ I get £35 for each shift, plus tips.

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