Meaning of LEVEL in English


1. a point on a scale that measures quantity or quality

2. a level of ability or skill


someone’s position in an organization, society etc : ↑ POSITION/RANK

see also




1. a point on a scale that measures quantity or quality

▷ level /ˈlev ə l/ [countable noun]

▪ When the temperature reaches a certain level the machine will switch off automatically.

noise levels

▪ Background noise levels at New York’s J. F. Kennedy international airport are between 51-98 decibels.

level of

▪ The water is treated to reduce the levels of pollution in it.

▷ point /pɔɪnt/ [countable noun]

boiling/freezing/melting etc point

the exact level at which something boils/freezes/melts etc :

▪ The boiling point of water is 100 degrees Celsius.

▪ By mixing metals it is possible to make alloys which are tougher and have a lower melting point than the individual metals.

▷ the 1000/two million etc mark /ðə ˌwʌn ˈθaʊz ə nd mɑːʳk/ [noun phrase]

if the number of something reaches the 1000/two million etc mark it reaches a particular level, especially a high level :

▪ The average salary of players in the NHL is steadily climbing to the $1 million mark.

hit the 1000/two million etc mark

▪ Unemployment hit the three million mark in the UK in 1981.

2. a level of ability or skill

▷ level /ˈlev ə l/ [countable noun]

how good someone is at doing something, for example a subject at school, a sport or game, or their work :

▪ Students at this level tend to have a lot of problems with basic grammar.

level of

▪ Employers always want their employees to maintain or increase their level of performance.

high/low level

▪ Each trainee is expected to show a high level of expertise before they graduate.

▷ standard /ˈstændəʳd/ [countable noun]

the level of ability or skill that is needed for a particular job, sport, or activity :

▪ If the pilot has not been trained to normal airline standards, he will not be employed by us.

reach/attain a standard

▪ I’m afraid you haven’t quite reached the standard required for the job.

high/low standard

▪ Judges remarked on the high standard of this year’s entries.

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