1. a test of your knowledge or skill
2. to do a test or exam
3. to do a test or exam again
4. someone who does an exam
5. to give students a test or exam
6. a person who judges a test or exam
7. to pass a test
8. to fail a test
9. a test on something to check it or find out about it
10. to do a test on something in order to check it or find out about it
11. to use a person or animal in a test
12. a person or animal that is used in a test
answer a question : ↑ ANSWER (8-10)
the result of a test or exam : ↑ GRADE
see also
1. a test of your knowledge or skill
▷ test /test/ [countable noun]
a set of spoken or written questions or practical activities, which are intended to find out how much someone knows about a subject or skill :
▪ Several students were caught cheating on the test.
▪ The committee is calling for national tests for American schoolchildren.
spelling/reading/biology etc test
▪ I have a chemistry test tomorrow.
driving/driver’s test
▪ Did Lauren pass her driving test?
test on
▪ Listen carefully, because there will be a test on this next week.
▷ exam also examination formal /ɪgˈzæm, ɪgˌzæmə̇ˈneɪʃ ə n/ [countable noun]
an important test that you do at the end of a course of study or at the end of the school year :
▪ Students are not allowed to talk during the examination.
▪ He’s upstairs, revising for an exam.
in an exam British /on an exam
▪ How did you do in your exams?
entrance exam
an exam you must pass to enter a school or university
▪ In Japan, entrance exams are very important, and many children go to extra classes to prepare for them.
history/French/biology etc exam
▪ We have a biology exam tomorrow, and I haven’t done any work for it yet.
final/mid-term exam
American exams taken at the end or the middle of a particular class
▪ Final exams will be just before Christmas.
▷ quiz /kwɪz/ [countable noun] American
a quick test that a teacher gives to a class, usually to check that students are learning the things they should be learning :
▪ We have a history quiz every Monday.
pop quiz
a quiz that is not expected by the students
▪ He likes giving pop quizzes, to see if the kids are remembering anything.
▷ oral exam also oral British /ˈɔːrəl ɪgˌzæm, ˈɔːrəl/ [countable noun]
an exam in which you answer questions by speaking, instead of writing, for example to test how good you are at speaking a foreign language :
▪ You can either take an oral exam or do a 25 page essay.
▪ Nicky got an A in her Spanish oral.
▷ practical /ˈpræktɪk ə l/ [countable noun] British
an exam that tests your ability to do or make things, rather than your ability to write about them, for example in subjects such as chemistry or cooking :
▪ We’ve got our chemistry practical tomorrow morning.
▷ finals /ˈfaɪnlz/ [plural noun] British
the last exams that you take at the end of a British university course :
▪ During my finals I was revising till 3 o'clock in the morning most days.
▷ final/midterm /ˈfaɪnl, ˌmɪdˈtɜːʳm◂/ [countable noun] American
the test you take at the end of a particular class, or the test you take in the middle of that class :
▪ This class will require two papers, a midterm, and a final.
▷ assessment /əˈsesmənt/ [uncountable noun] especially British
a method used to find out how good a student is at a particular subject, for example by giving them written work, tests, or exams :
▪ Assessment is by means of a written exam at the end of the course.
continuous assessment
assessment throughout a student’s course of study, instead of only at the end
▪ Most schools nowadays prefer to use continuous assessment, because it gives a fairer picture of how the student has done during the whole year.
▷ testing /ˈtestɪŋ/ [uncountable noun]
the system of using exams and tests to find out how good someone is at a particular subject :
▪ The government plans to introduce compulsory testing in junior schools from the age of 7.
▪ I believe that some sort of testing is always necessary in order to motivate students.
2. to do a test or exam
▷ take /teɪk/ [transitive verb]
▪ Anna will be taking her music exam in the summer.
▪ Most young people take the SAT exams in their last year of high school.
▪ I took my driving test when I was 18.
▷ do /duː/ [transitive verb] British
do is more informal that take, and is used especially in conversation :
▪ I’d better go home -- I’ve got to do an exam in the morning.
▪ The kids are doing a test this morning.
▷ have also have got /hæv, həv ˈgɒtǁ-ˈgɑːt/ [transitive verb]
if you have an exam tomorrow, next week etc, you are going to do it then :
▪ We have a quiz every week on what we’ve been reading.
▪ I have a written exam in the morning and an interview in the afternoon.
▪ Lucy’s got her driving test next week.
▷ sit /sɪt/ [transitive verb] British
to do a written school or college exam :
▪ I sat my final exams last year.
3. to do a test or exam again
▷ retake/take something again /ˌriːˈteɪk, ˌteɪk something əˈgen/ [transitive verb/verb phrase]
to do a test or exam again because you have previously failed it :
▪ She wants to retake her French A-level exam.
▪ Ralph retook his driver’s test in June.
▪ If you fail the test, you can always take it again
retake /ˈriːteɪk/ [countable noun] British :
▪ Can you sit a retake?
▷ resit /ˌriːˈsɪt/ [transitive verb] British
to do a written school or college exam again because you have previously failed it :
▪ It only makes sense to resit an exam if you strongly believe you will do better.
resit /ˈriːsɪt/ [countable noun]
▪ Is a resit possible?
4. someone who does an exam
▷ candidate /ˈkændɪdət, ˈkændədətǁ-deɪt, -də̇t/ [countable noun] British
someone who does an exam :
▪ Candidates should be at their desks 5 minutes before the start of the examination.
5. to give students a test or exam
▷ give somebody a test /ˌgɪv somebody ə ˈtest/ [verb phrase]
to make someone do a test :
▪ Schools are required to give students national standardized tests.
give sb a test on
▪ The French teacher gave us a test on irregular verbs, and I got 100%.
▷ test /test/ [transitive verb]
to ask someone written or spoken questions to find out what they know about a subject :
▪ New students are tested in math and reading, and placed in the appropriate class.
test somebody on something
▪ Tomorrow you’ll be tested on the main events of the Civil War.
▷ set somebody a test/an exam /ˌset somebody ə ˈtest, ən ɪgˈzæm/ [verb phrase] British
to choose the questions that are in a test or exam :
▪ Next lesson I’m setting you all a test to see how much you’ve learned.
▪ Whoever set the exam didn’t seem to know the material very well.
▷ examine /ɪgˈzæmɪn, ɪgˈzæmən/ [transitive verb] formal
to ask someone questions in an exam in order to find out what they know about a particular subject :
▪ To save time, students will be examined in groups of three.
examine somebody on something
▪ Students will be examined on all aspects of Russian literature and history.
6. a person who judges a test or exam
▷ examiner /ɪgˈzæmɪnəʳ, ɪgˈzæmənəʳ/ [countable noun] British
someone who judges exams or tests :
▪ The examiner told him to relax and then asked him to turn on the engine.
▪ Students who, in the opinion of the examiners, do not reach the required standard must take the exam again.
7. to pass a test
▷ pass /pɑːsǁpæs/ [intransitive/transitive verb]
to reach a high enough standard to succeed in an examination or test :
▪ ‘I’m taking my driving test today.’ ‘Do you think you’ll pass?’
▪ New recruits have to pass a physical fitness test.
pass with flying colours British /colors American
pass a test or examination with very high marks
▪ She was so nervous about her examination results, but in fact she passed with flying colours.
▷ qualify /ˈkwɒlɪfaɪ, ˈkwɒləfaɪǁˈkwɑː-/ [intransitive verb] especially British
to pass all the examinations that you need in order to become a doctor, lawyer, engineer etc :
▪ After qualifying, she joined the NatWest Bank as a corporate advisor.
qualify as
▪ She wanted to improve her English so she could qualify as a translator.
▷ graduate /ˈgrædʒueɪt/ [intransitive verb]
to pass all your final examinations at university or college, and get a degree. In the US, graduate also means to successfully complete your high school education :
▪ What are you going to do after you graduate?
graduate from
▪ Mitch graduated from Stanford in 1998 with a degree in biochemistry.
graduate in history/French/medicine etc
▪ She graduated in modern languages and now works as an interpreter.
▷ scrape through /ˌskreɪp ˈθruː/ [intransitive/transitive phrasal verb] especially British, informal
to only just pass an examination, by getting only a few marks more than are necessary :
▪ Daniel scraped through the entrance exam.
▪ I scraped through my exams with marks just good enough to keep my place in the school of pharmacy.
▷ get through /ˌget ˈθruː/ [intransitive/transitive phrasal verb]
to pass a difficult test or examination :
▪ The entrance exam is very difficult and only a small minority of candidates get through.
get somebody through something
▪ Reading that book at the last minute was the only thing that got me through the history exam.
▷ sail/breeze through /ˈseɪl, ˈbriːz θruː/ [intransitive/transitive phrasal verb] informal
to pass a test or examination very easily :
▪ ‘How’d his exams go?’ "He breezed through - no trouble at all.
sail/breeze through something
▪ She sailed through her driving test the first time.
▷ pass/be given a pass /pɑːs, biː ˌgɪvənə ˈpɑːsǁ-ˈpæs/ [transitive verb/verb phrase]
▪ My teacher told me she passed me only because she knew I’d had a really hard year.
▪ I didn’t think the candidate deserved to be given a pass but the other examiners disagreed.
8. to fail a test
▷ fail /feɪl/ [intransitive/transitive verb]
to not reach a high enough standard to succeed in a test or exam :
▪ She failed her history class and has to take it again.
▪ ‘How did Chris do in his driving test?’ ‘He failed.’
▪ Many of the boys in the program had been failing at school.
▷ flunk /flʌŋk/ [transitive verb] American informal
to fail an exam :
▪ He was cutting school and flunking classes.
▪ She flunked the state bar exam four times before she finally passed.
flunk out
fail all your classes, so that you have to leave school
▪ Brant flunked out of college his first year.
▷ bomb /bɒmǁbɑːm/ [intransitive/transitive verb] American informal
to fail a test or exam very badly :
▪ I bombed on the quiz he gave us.
▪ ‘How’d it go?’ ‘I bombed on the written section, but I think I did okay on the multiple choice part.’
9. a test on something to check it or find out about it
▷ test /test/ [countable noun]
a process that is used for finding out important information about something, for example whether a machine is working properly, whether a substance is safe, or whether someone has an illness :
▪ a ban on nuclear tests
test to determine/show/find etc
▪ Teachers can use the program to create tests to check children’s progress.
▪ A blood test can be done to determine who the baby’s father is.
carry out a test/do a test
▪ Doctors did several tests to find out what was wrong.
test on
▪ We carry out safety tests on all our products.
test for
to find out if something exists
▪ There is a simple test for diabetes.
eye/blood/skin etc test
▪ A blood test will show if you are a possible bone marrow donor.
hearing/sight etc test
▪ Nine-month-old babies are given hearing tests by health visitors.
▷ experiment /ɪkˈsperɪmənt, ɪkˈsperəmənt/ [countable noun]
a scientific test to find out how something is affected when you do something to it :
▪ In one experiment, the men were not allowed to sleep and then were tested on how well they were able to concentrate.
▪ The elderly people were taught meditation in the 12-week experiment.
do/carry out/perform an experiment
▪ They are doing experiments to learn more about the affects of alcohol on the brain.
experiment on
an experiment using something
▪ The Institute plans to conduct no further experiments on monkeys.
experimental /ɪkˌsperɪˈmentl◂, ɪkˌsperəˈmentl◂/ [adjective]
▪ an experimental medical treatment
experimentally [adverb]
▪ The FDA has granted researchers permission to use the drug experimentally on humans.
▷ trial /ˈtraɪəl/ [countable noun]
a test in which a new product, such as a drug, a weapon, or a vehicle, is used by a small number of people in order to find out if it is safe and effective :
▪ Results of the drug trial will be available soon.
trial of
▪ Probert is overseeing the trials of the new explosives.
clinical trial
a trial of a drug or treatment that is done carefully by doctors on humans
▪ Until now, the drug was only available to people taking part in clinical trials.
▷ testing /ˈtestɪŋ/ [uncountable noun] formal
when something such as a process, system, substance etc is being examined, in order to see whether it exists, is safe, or is working properly :
▪ The U.S. conducted atomic weapons testing in Nevada during the 1950s.
▪ The aircraft is still in the early stages of testing and production.
drug/genetic/AIDS etc testing
▪ Athletes will be subject to random drug testing.
▷ trial run /ˈtraɪəl rʌn/ [countable noun]
an occasion when you test a new method or system to see if it works well :
▪ The national railroad is doing a few trial runs to test new equipment.
▷ pilot /ˈpaɪlət/ [countable noun]
a test in which a new idea or plan is used in a limited number of places or situations, in order to see if it is worth continuing or doing in a more general way :
▪ The results of the pilot have been encouraging.
pilot study/project/program etc
▪ The government sponsored a pilot project to find out how the education reforms would work in schools.
▷ piloting /ˈpaɪlətɪŋ/ [uncountable noun]
a process in which a new system or product is tested using different groups of people in order to see how effective and popular it will be :
▪ Extensive piloting has shown us our study book will be a useful aid to students.
10. to do a test on something in order to check it or find out about it
▷ do a test/anexperiment also conduct/perform an experiment/a test formal /ˌduː ə ˈtest, ən ɪkˈsperə̇mənt, kənˌdʌkt, pəʳˌfɔːʳm ən ɪkˈsperə̇mənt, ə ˈtest/ [verb phrase]
▪ He has a blood test done each week to see how effective the medication is.
▪ Children can use the magnet to perform many simple experiments.
▪ The company did not conduct adequate safety tests.
do a test/anexperiment on
▪ The space shuttle crew conducted experiments on plants and cells in a special lab.
▷ test /test/ [transitive verb]
to do a test on something to find out whether it works or to get more information about it :
▪ Test your brakes to check they are working correctly.
▪ The devices were tested very carefully and are considered safe.
test something on somebody/something
▪ These products have not been tested on animals.
test something for something
to find out whether it has a substance in it
▪ The water is being tested for signs of chemical pollution.
▷ run a test /ˌrʌn ə ˈtest/ [verb phrase]
to do a test, especially one that is often used, or one that has been prepared and is ready to be done :
▪ Doctors ran tests to determine the cause of his irregular heartbeat.
▪ We think the equipment is working fine, but we still need to run a few more tests.
▷ carry out tests /ˌkæri aʊt ˈtests/ [verb phrase]
if someone such as a doctor or scientist carries out tests, they do a set of tests in order to find out what is wrong, what needs improving etc :
▪ Police scientists are carrying out tests on the murder victim’s clothes.
▪ Results of tests carried out at this clinic are always strictly confidential.
▷ try out /ˌtraɪ ˈaʊt/ [transitive phrasal verb]
to test an object such as a tool or piece of equipment by using it, or to test a plan or idea by doing it :
try something out
▪ Toy manufacturers use employees’ children to try new products out.
try out something
▪ He visited the center several times, trying out different computer software packages.
▷ put something to the test /ˌpʊt something tə ðə ˈtest/ [verb phrase]
to test something, such as an idea, a belief, or a product, to see if it works as well as someone says it does or as you think it will :
▪ The system’s effectiveness will soon be put to the test.
▪ The soldiers worked out a strategy which was then put to the test in a training exercise.
▷ pilot /ˈpaɪlət/ [transitive verb]
to test a new system or product using different groups of people in order to see how effective or popular it is :
▪ The coursebook was piloted in schools all over Europe.
11. to use a person or animal in a test
▷ experiment on /ɪkˈsperɪment ɒn, ɪkˈsperəment ɒn/ [transitive phrasal verb]
to use someone or something in scientific tests in order to find out how they are affected when you do something to them :
▪ For some disease research, experimenting on animals is very important.
▪ Some of the government labs had experimented on humans without their consent.
▷ test something on /ˈtest something ɒn/ [transitive phrasal verb]
to do tests in which a group of people or animals use a product, take a drug etc in order to see what their reaction is :
▪ This face cream has not been tested on animals.
▪ They’ve just received permission to begin testing the new drug on humans.
▷ screen /skriːn/ [transitive verb]
to test a person or a particular group of people to see if they have a particular illness or infection :
▪ Because breast cancer is common in older women, we screen all women over 50.
screen somebody/something for
▪ If you receive blood in the United Kingdom it will already have been screened for HIV.
screening [uncountable noun]
▪ The company has recently introduced free health screening for all its employees.
▷ vivisection /ˌvɪvɪˈsekʃ ə n, ˌvɪvəˈsekʃ ə n/ [uncountable noun]
the practice of doing tests on live animals, for example in order to increase medical knowledge or to test new products :
▪ I’m not against vivisection, but obviously we all want to avoid animals suffering unnecessarily.
▪ Without vivisection many of the recent anti-cancer advances simply would not have been made.
12. a person or animal that is used in a test
▷ subject /ˈsʌbdʒɪkt/ [countable noun] formal
a person or animal that is used in a test - use this especially in scientific contexts :
▪ Subjects for this experiment represented a good cross-section of the American population.
▪ All subjects were tested for perfect hearing before the experiment began.
▷ guinea pig /ˈgɪni pɪg/ [countable noun] informal
a person or animal who takes part in a test to see how successful or useful a new idea, system, machine etc is, sometimes without being asked :
▪ Would you both mind being the guinea pigs for a new recipe I want to try out?
▪ Students are complaining that they are being used as guinea pigs for the new maths syllabus.