Meaning of TEST in English

Synonyms and related words :

Bernreuter personality inventory, Binet-Simon test, Brown personality inventory, Goldstein-Sheerer test, IQ, IQ test, Kent mental test, Minnesota preschool scale, Olympic games, Olympics, Oseretsky test, Pap test, Rorschach test, Stanford revision, Stanford-Binet test, Szondi test, TAT, Wechsler-Bellevue intelligence scale, achievement test, acid test, alpha test, analysis, anatomic diagnosis, apperception test, aptitude test, armor, assay, assess, association test, audit, audition, barometer, beta test, biological diagnosis, biopsy, blank determination, blue book, bout, bring to test, brouillon, canon, catechize, check, check and doublecheck, check out, check over, check up on, chitin, clinical diagnosis, collate, concours, confirm, contest, controlled association test, cortex, criterion, cross-check, crucial test, crucible, cut and try, cut-and-try, cytodiagnosis, degree, demonstrate, derby, determination, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, digital examination, docimasy, double-check, electrocardiography, electroencephalography, electromyography, elytron, empirical, encounter, engagement, episperm, essay, evaluate, evaluation, exam, examen, examination, examine, experiment, experimental, experimentation, feeling out, fight, final, final examination, first draft, free association test, game, games, gauge, give a try, give a tryout, go, graduated scale, great go, gymkhana, have a go, hearing, heuristic, hit-or-miss, honors, inkblot test, intelligence quotient, intelligence test, interest inventory, interrogate, interview, investigation, joust, kiteflying, laboratory diagnosis, lorica, lorication, mail, mammography, match, matching, measure, meet, meeting, mental test, midsemester, midterm, model, norm, oral, oral examination, ordeal, parameter, pattern, pericarp, personality test, physical diagnosis, physical examination, pilot, plate, play around with, postmortem diagnosis, practice upon, prelim, probation, probationary, probative, probatory, probe, proof, protective covering, prove, proving, provisional, psychological test, pump, put to trial, quantity, query, question, quiz, rally, reading, readout, recheck, rencontre, research, road-test, rough draft, rough sketch, rule, run a sample, sample, scale, scute, scutum, serodiagnosis, shake down, shell, shield, smear, sounding out, speculative, standard, standardized test, study, substantiate, take-home examination, taste, tentative, test case, testa, testing, thematic apperception test, thick skin, tilt, touchstone, tournament, tourney, trial, trial-and-error, triple-check, tripos, try, try it on, try out, trying, type, urinalysis, uroscopy, validate, value, verification, verificatory, verify, viva, word association test, work-up, worm out of, written, written examination, yardstick

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