Meaning of CROSS-EYED in English



Also, the folds of the skin around a baby's eyes sometimes make her look cross-eyed when she isn't.

Enter the cross-eyed daughter, bearing wine, plates and cutlery.

Even, so I wondered, the tawny, cross-eyed tiger-fish moving beneath the glittering surface of the lake.

It then continues to squint at the water, weaving slightly with endearing cross-eyed concentration.

Jeremy: He found he was going colour-blind and cross-eyed so he tried to - Teacher: What sports did he try?

Like his sister, the young man was cross-eyed , deaf and simple.

Maggie quickly brought her attention back to the cross-eyed girl and forgot all about the young man.

She pushed her doll closer, so that Mrs Fanning aped a surprised, cross-eyed look.

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