From Harare come reports of torture centres and door-to-door searches by Zanu thugs.
I am glad I don't have to work door-to-door .
Mopping up extra 124% Liz Dolan DOOR-to-door brooms and buckets seller Betterware is cleaning up in the recession.
More than 100 households will be surveyed in the door-to-door research.
Salesmen warning DOOR-TO-DOOR salesmen are posing as Fire Brigade representatives to sell potentially lethal fire extinguishers, it has been disclosed.
Seniors are bombarded with advertisements, phone calls and door-to-door salespeople insisting that living trusts work best for everyone.
The church visitors were intensely embarrassed shortly after we had agreed to have door-to-door visitation for a forthcoming town mission.
They will be raising funds through the door-to-door collections.