Meaning of INTERRUPT in English




I didn’t want to interrupt her flow , so I said nothing.




The tannoy interrupts again , pulling me out of my reverie and making my heart pound; it's my call.

The service was interrupted again on 17 September.



Neither father had taken or requested an extended paternity leave that would interrupt his career .

Jesse Helms, Summa, 37, has interrupted her career as a lawyer to raise her three young children.


It was only then that she was aware of Nicandra standing silent in the doorway, unwilling to interrupt a conversation .


Remember here that some people do not like seeing you write down their words for it interrupts their flow of thought.

To avoid interrupting the flow of the main text, occasional bits of parenthetical material appear as footnotes.

At least it interrupts the flow of retired vice- marshalls.

He then organized a team of five employees who revised the proposal and several other documents-without interrupting the regular work flow .

Do this as a separate routine after writing if you are concerned not to interrupt the flow of composition.

There are some folks who believe the two two-minute intermissions unnecessarily interrupted the flow of the film.

I had to interrupt her flow of catastrophes to suggest that we try to understand what was going on beneath the surface.

The pads can be inserted into an undergravel set up as a gravel tidy without interrupting the free flow of water.


He interrupted with his own questions , as if to assist the defense.

I suspect that the couscous made me ramble, but he listened with absolute intentness, interrupting only to ask questions .


His blind musing was interrupted by the sound of footsteps on the companionway.

Her reverie is interrupted by the sound of hooves on the long white road winding towards the house.

We were interrupted by the distant sound of the gate intercom.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of heavy footsteps and loud barking.

It was interrupted by sounds of scrabbling from upstairs.


Mr. Eadie I did not interrupt the speech by the hon. Member for Gordon.

General Hospital interrupted the speech more than a dozen times.

President Richard von Weizsacker was hit and forced to interrupt a speech while order was restored.

No applause interrupted the speech , and only brief, half-hearted, clapping was heard at the end.


James attended school sporadically, interrupting his studies to earn money doing factory and agricultural work periodically.


I've interrupted your train of thought .

Not even the Divine Sarah, apparently, could be allowed to interrupt his train of thought .

Remember here that some people do not like seeing you write down their words for it interrupts their flow of thought .

She wanted to follow up her advantage, but it was best not to interrupt his thoughts .


They were allowed to speak to each other in low voices but never to interrupt an adult.

Voice over Iris's voice interrupts: It's the brain ... dying.

For example, Dickens is fond of parenthetical constructions which allow the generalizing authorial voice to interrupt the narrative flow.

A new voice has interrupted and is howling slogans like a revivalist preacher.


He said he'd been wanting to ring me all day but didn't want to interrupt my work .

He then organized a team of five employees who revised the proposal and several other documents-without interrupting the regular work flow.

My chefs are preparing dinner and we are interrupting their work .

He interrupts her work to ask about things he should be learning in his own time.

Suppose one of your subordinates keeps telephoning you for advice and help several times a day thus interrupting your work .



The toasts the daughters had prepared kept getting interrupted .


I hate to ask/interrupt/disturb etc

Martin I hate to disturb you when you're cooking the books, but there's a delivery.

pardon me for interrupting/asking/saying

Pardon me for asking, but where did you buy your shoes?


Can I interrupt for a second?

Don't interrupt - I haven't finished yet.

He apologised for interrupting her speech.

I'm sorry I interrupted you.

I'm sorry to interrupt your meeting, but may I speak with Michael for a moment?

I wish you wouldn't interrupt all the time.

Sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt you.

Train service was interrupted for about ten minutes.

While I was giving my report, some guy in the back kept interrupting me every two minutes.

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