I. ˌintəˈrəpt verb
( -ed/-ing/-s )
Etymology: Middle English interrupten, from Latin interruptus, past participle of interrumpere, from inter- + rumpere to break — more at reave
transitive verb
1. : to stop by breaking in : halt, hinder, or interfere with the continuation of (some activity) : prevent (one) from proceeding by intrusive or interpolated comment or action
the … recovery was interrupted by the depression of 1883-85 — F.A.Bradford
interrupt a speaker with frequent questions
2. : to break or stop the uniformity, continuity, sequence, or course of : introduce a difference in
an affair of copious eating and still more copious drinking, interrupted by bouts of homemade fun — Aldous Huxley
the plain narrows and is interrupted by broad spurs from the Pennines — L.D.Stamp
3. obsolete : obstruct , thwart , prevent
intransitive verb
: to break in upon some action or discourse : interpolate ; especially : to break in with questions or remarks while another is speaking
a bad habit of interrupting
Synonyms: see arrest
II. noun
Etymology: interrupt , verb
: a feature of a computer that permits the execution of one program to be interrupted in order to execute another ; also : the interruption itself