Meaning of MIDDLE EAR in English



An inflammation in the middle ear called otitis media can cause temporary or even permanent hearing loss.

In fact, an ear infection alone can cause sudden severe pain as fluid builds up in the middle ear .

Mean hearing thresholds are related mainly to the presence or absence of fluid in the middle ear .

Microtympanometry, a sensitive method of diagnosing effusions of the middle ear , could help them in this.

There is further evidence that untreated middle ear disease in childhood may have permanent effects.

Three rats in the low fibre diet group suffered from middle ear infections and were removed from the study.

Vibrations or sound waves cause the eardrum to vibrate and these vibrations move through the middle ear to the inner ear.

When the cause of deafness is not solely in the outer and/or middle ear , high frequencies are likely to be affected.

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