Meaning of MISTRESS in English





They had hardly ever been in this house belonging to Nicholas, and never since it received its new mistress .

And Lily's instinct for the winning side soon tempered her attitude to the new mistress .

And Bridhe and Seumas Ban would make it plain to everyone that the new mistress had their approval.


Now the grand old masters and mistresses of the day, their works were widely published, exhibited and collected.

It was as though her old mistress were drunk, or light-headed with laudanum, so intense was her delight.

She had bid her old mistress farewell the day before.

The question was, on what footing would she now be with her old mistress ?


Perhaps the presence of her young mistress made her desist from talk.

When he died aged 85, his young mistress and 10 illegitimate children inherited his money.



We shall go on expeditions to the country, and I shall become the mistress of the house.

Official concubines became unofficial mistresses , and mistresses became secrets kept from wives.

She reappeared, according to this, in Geneva, where she has made contact with Dimitri Volkov and became his mistress .

Mrs Murray has chosen Sir Thomas for her daughter Rosalie, who is not averse to becoming the mistress of his estate.

How quickly the young girl he remembered had become the capable mistress of a farm!

After the latter's death in 1947, Kathleen became mistress of his household and his wife in 1954.

Rudd went on to become Boswell's mistress .


He kept his mistress in an apartment in Moscow.

Lovable but passive William has carried on by keeping a mistress on the side, whose existence is acknowledged by all.

Thomas Jefferson became the third president in 1801 despite published accusations of his seducing two married women and keeping a slave mistress .

Augustine kept a mistress and sired a son out of wedlock.


Harris claims she was the millionaire's mistress .

She thought that her husband had a mistress but could not prove it.

The former prime minister's wife and mistress both attended the funeral.


At midnight Mahendra would ride to his mistress , stay with her until four and then return home.

He finally married his mistress Kathleen in jail.

I was taken over one by my History mistress .

Official concubines became unofficial mistresses, and mistresses became secrets kept from wives.

She reappeared, according to this, in Geneva, where she has made contact with Dimitri Volkov and became his mistress .

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