Meaning of SHAVE in English

I. verb


shaving brush

shaving cream




Scrape a large sharp knife across the surface, shaving off rolls of very fine chocolate.

He also wants to restrict how much time inmates can shave off their sentences for good behavior or working in prison.

Despite all this crafty programming, there are still a few rough edges that need to be shaved off the system.

Within a few weeks he had shaved off his beard and bought his first suit and tie.

He had shaved off his beard, and his face looked less thin and less serious than before.

Y., suddenly agreed to shave off their hair.

They shaved off my hair and sewed up my head.

He had shaved off his beard again.



He had shaved off his beard , and his face looked less thin and less serious than before.

Within a few weeks he had shaved off his beard and bought his first suit and tie.

He had shaved off his beard again.

He remembered, just in time, not to shave - the beard was needed for the Edwardian Ball.


He shaves , washes his hair and borrows a modest silver stud for his ear.

He touched his bandaged wound where the shaved hair had started to grow back.

They shaved off my hair and sewed up my head.

What he really hates is having to shave his hair and the daily boredom of having nothing to do.

Y., suddenly agreed to shave off their hair .

Leonard isn't orthodox, thank goodness, or I'd have to shave off all my hair .


If found guilty, her head would be shaved and she would be required to do penance for life.

He was scared to death, and his head was almost shaved like new recruits in armies the world over.

His head was shaved almost bald and he was tanned.

He keeps his head smooth with frequent shaving .

The barber sat on the railings while his customers stood patiently in front of him to have their heads shaved .

Later that week, Dominic had his head shaved .

George Eliot twice had her head shaved so that her bumps could be read more accurately.

Rebecca Nichol from Gloucester, 20, took the plunge and had her head shaved .


Polly had shaved her legs , and recently, too.

It meant hating men and not shaving your legs .

She shaved her legs and underarms, and shampooed her hair.

The old Polly, the young Polly, would on principle never have shaved her legs .

I've always shaved my legs but I've been told that shaving makes the hair grow more strongly.

Sometimes I shave my legs , amazed at the majestic tedium of the activity.

You know, of course, that she doesn't shave her legs ?



Then came Brian, who had cut himself shaving , and was dabbing the blood on his chin.

Had Maisie Gammond cut herself shaving too, he wondered?


a close shave

Mike's had three car accidents, plus a few other pretty close shaves.

And so we all had a close shave once a term.

Had a close shave by the looks of you.

He seemed pale and in need of a closer shave.

I had to rinse quite often to get rid of debris, but it did give a close shave.

Now the challenge is complete, he is considering a close shave, probably in the name of charity.


Shave some fresh Parmesan cheese over the salad before serving.

Have you shaved today?

He was filthy and hadn't shaved in over a week.

I didn't have time to shave my legs.

I wish he'd shave off that awful beard!


Garnish with basil sprigs and shaved cheese.

He wore his best suit, a clean silk shirt and shaved extra close.

I could neither wash nor shave , nor was there anything in the house to eat.

If it normally takes you a quarter of an hour to shave , make it take you half an hour.

It is especially important that no breaks in the skin occur during shaving as these act as routes for bacteria to enter.

Polly had shaved her legs, and recently, too.

You can shave truffles on these eggs or spoon caviar on them.

II. noun




These events constitute some of Rawls's closest shaves .

He seemed pale and in need of a closer shave .

I had to rinse quite often to get rid of debris, but it did give a close shave .

It had been a very close shave .

Now the challenge is complete, he is considering a close shave , probably in the name of charity.

When I was much younger I did take chances from time to time and can recall more than one close shave .

And so we all had a close shave once a term.

Joannides put the pressure on again in the closing Clocaenog stages, forcing the leader into a few close shaves .



He wore a navy guernsey and salt-stained Levis, and he needed a shave .

The fact is, he looks about 19 and needed a shave .

He was not even wearing a watch and he needed a shave .

One physician, for example, interrupted his schedule to give Beisser a much needed shave .

His face was pitted and he needed a shave .

Alsop needed a shave and was nursing a hangover.


He badly needed a shower and a shave .

He went upstairs and had a quick shave .


After a shave , he felt fresh, newly born.

At least he'd had a shave .

First day home he would get a haircut and a shave .

He had no intention of drinking the stuff, but it might do for a shave .

He seemed pale and in need of a closer shave .

His long hair stopped neatly at the level where it curved most attractively, but his shave was indifferent.

I went down to the washroom to get a drink of water, and to have a shave .

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