— shavable, shaveable , adj.
/shayv/ , v. , shaved, shaved or ( esp. in combination ) shaven, shaving , n.
1. to remove a growth of beard with a razor.
2. to remove hair from (the face, legs, etc.) by cutting it off close to the skin with a razor.
3. to cut off (hair, esp. the beard) close to the skin with a razor (often fol. by off or away ).
4. to cut or scrape away the surface of with a sharp-edged tool: to shave hides in preparing leather.
5. to reduce to shavings or thin slices: to shave wood.
6. to cut or trim closely: to shave a lawn.
7. to scrape, graze, or come very near to: The car just shaved the garage door.
8. Com. to purchase (a note) at a rate of discount greater than is legal or customary.
9. to reduce or deduct from: The store shaved the price of winter suits in the spring.
10. the act, process, or an instance of shaving or being shaved.
11. a thin slice; shaving.
12. any of various tools for shaving, scraping, removing thin slices, etc.
[ bef. 900; (v.) ME schaven, schafen, OE sc ( e ) afan; c. D schaven to plane (a plank), abrade (the skin), LG schaven, G schaben, ON skafa to scrape, Goth skaban to shear, shave; (n.) ME schave tool for shaving, OE sc ( e ) afa, deriv. of the v. ]
Syn. 7. brush, glance, touch.