Meaning of ASSAULT in English

I. as ‧ sault 1 /əˈsɔːlt $ əˈsɒːlt/ BrE AmE noun

[ Date: 1200-1300 ; Language: Old French ; Origin: assaut , from Latin assaltus , past participle of assalire ; ⇨ ↑ assail ]

1 . [uncountable and countable] the crime of physically attacking someone:

a case of robbery and assault

for assault

He was jailed for assault.

sexual/indecent assault

victims of indecent assault

assault on/against

sexual assaults on women

Several soldiers have been charged with assault.

2 . [uncountable and countable] a military attack to take control of a place controlled by the enemy

assault on

an unsuccessful assault on the enemy lines

The refugee camp came under assault again last night.

a powerful assault rifle

3 . [uncountable and countable] a strong spoken or written criticism of someone else’s ideas, plans etc SYN attack

assault on

an assault on the capitalist system

under assault

Traditional family values are increasingly under assault.

4 . [countable] an attempt to achieve something difficult, especially using physical force

assault on

an assault on Mt Everest (=an attempt to climb it)

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■ adjectives

▪ a violent assault

The number of violent assaults in the city has reached an all-time high.

▪ a serious assault

Last year, serious assaults increased by 40%.

▪ a vicious/brutal assault

The vicious assault happened outside the man’s home.

▪ a sexual/indecent assault

Women who have suffered serious sexual assault are offered support and counselling.

▪ physical assault

There have even been physical assaults on witnesses.

▪ a racial assault

The four young Asian men were victims of a vicious racial assault.

■ verbs

▪ be charged with assault

He ended up in court charged with assault.

▪ carry out/commit an assault

She admitted to committing the assault.

▪ suffer an assault

The lawyer claimed she was drunk when she suffered the assault.

■ assault + NOUN

▪ an assault charge

He’s in jail on an assault charge.

▪ an assault case

She had to attend court as a witness in an assault case.

II. assault 2 BrE AmE verb [transitive]

1 . to attack someone in a violent way:

Two men assaulted him after he left the bar.

sexually/indecently assault

He was found guilty of indecently assaulting a student.

2 . literary if a feeling, sound, smell etc assaults you, it affects you in a way that makes you uncomfortable or upset:

The noises and smells of the market assaulted her senses.

3 . to strongly criticize someone’s ideas, plans etc

4 . to try to do something very difficult:

a task force to assault the problems

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■ to attack a person

▪ attack to use violence against someone and try to hurt them:

She was attacked by a man with a baseball bat.


Police dogs are trained to attack.

▪ ambush /ˈæmbʊʃ/ if a group of people ambush someone, they hide and wait for them and then attack them:

The judge was ambushed by gunmen as he drove to work at the courthouse.

▪ mug to attack someone and take money from them in a public place such as a street:

He was mugged on his way home from school.

▪ stab to attack someone with a knife:

The victim had been stabbed in the neck.

▪ assault to attack and hurt someone – used especially when talking about this as a criminal ↑ offence :

He assaulted a flight attendant who refused to serve him more drinks.

▪ be set upon by somebody/something written to be attacked by a group of people:

He died outside his home after being set upon by a gang of youths.

▪ turn on to suddenly change your behaviour and attack the person you are with, when they do not expect this:

The dog suddenly turned on him, sinking its teeth into his arm.

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.      Longman - Словарь современного английского языка.