Meaning of ASSAULT in English

[as.sault] n [ME assaut, fr. OF, fr. (assumed) VL assaltus, fr. assalire] (14c) 1 a: a violent physical or verbal attack b: a military attack usu. involving direct combat with enemy forces c: a concerted effort (as to reach a goal or defeat an adversary)

2. a: a threat or attempt to inflict offensive physical contact or bodily harm on a person (as by lifting a fist in a threatening manner) that puts the person in immediate danger of or in apprehension of such harm or contact--compare battery 1b b: rape

[2]assault vt (15c) 1: to make an assault on

2: rape ~ vi: to make an assault syn see attack -- n -- as.saul.tive adj -- adv -- as.saul.tive.ness n

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