Meaning of DIRECTOR in English

di ‧ rec ‧ tor S2 W1 /dəˈrektə, dɪˈrektə, daɪ- $ -ər/ BrE AmE noun [countable]

[ Word Family: noun : ↑ direction , ↑ directness , ↑ director ; verb : ↑ direct , ↑ redirect ; adverb : ↑ directly ≠ ↑ indirectly ; adjective : ↑ direct ≠ ↑ indirect ]

1 . someone who controls or manages a company ⇨ executive

director of

a former director of Gartmore Pensions Ltd

The company is run by a board of directors (=a group of directors) .

2 . someone who is in charge of a particular activity or organization

director of

the director of education

finance/marketing/sales etc director (=the person in charge of the financial department etc)

3 . the person who gives instructions to the actors and other people working on a film or play ⇨ producer

⇨ ↑ managing director , ↑ non-executive director

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COLLOCATIONS (for Meaning 3)

■ types of director

▪ a film/movie director

the film director Stephen Spielberg

▪ a theatre director British English , a theater director AmE:

Laura Thompson is a theatre director now in the middle of rehearsals for 'Romeo and Juliet'.

▪ an artistic director (=person who controls which plays a theatre produces and how they are produced)

The artistic director announced that a new play would be staged next month.

▪ a musical director

He later became musical director of the London Symphony Orchestra.

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■ the people who make film

▪ actor a man or woman who acts in a film:

a previously unknown actor


Brando was one of Hollywood’s greatest actors.

▪ actress a woman who acts in a film. Women who appear in films or plays usually prefer to be called actors :

She was the actress who played Scarlet O'Hara in ‘Gone with the Wind’.

▪ star a famous actor or actress:

He looked liked a movie star.


a hotel which was used by the stars

▪ director the person who tells the actors and actresses in a film what to do:

The director of the film is Quentin Tarantino.

▪ producer the person who makes the arrangements for a film to be made and controls the ↑ budget

▪ film/movie crew the people operating the camera, lights etc who help the director make a film

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.      Longman - Словарь современного английского языка.