Meaning of FLOAT in English

I. float 1 /fləʊt $ floʊt/ BrE AmE verb

[ Language: Old English ; Origin: flotian ]


a) [intransitive] to stay or move on the surface of a liquid without sinking:

I wasn’t sure if the raft would float.

She spent the afternoon floating on her back in the pool.

float along/down/past etc

A couple of broken branches floated past us.

b) [transitive] to put something on the surface of a liquid so that it does not sink:

The logs are trimmed and then floated down the river.

2 . IN THE AIR [intransitive always + adverb/preposition] if something floats, it moves slowly through the air or stays up in the air:

I looked up at the clouds floating in the sky.

Leaves floated gently down from the trees.

3 . MUSIC/SOUNDS/SMELLS ETC [intransitive always + adverb/preposition] if sounds or smells float somewhere, people in another place can hear or smell them:

The sound of her voice came floating down from an upstairs window.

4 . WALK GRACEFULLY [intransitive] to walk in a slow light graceful way SYN glide :

Rachel floated around the bedroom in a lace nightgown.

5 . IDEAS [transitive] to suggest an idea or plan in order to see if people like it:

We first floated the idea back in 1992.

6 . MONEY [transitive] technical if the government of a country floats its money, the value of the money is allowed to change freely in relation to money from other countries:

Russia decided to float the rouble on the foreign exchange market.

7 . COMPANY [transitive] to sell ↑ share s in a company or business to the public for the first time

float something on something

The company will be floated on the stock market next year.

⇨ ↑ flotation (1)

8 . CHEQUE [transitive] American English to write a cheque when you do not have enough money in the bank to pay it

9 . whatever floats your boat informal used to say that someone can do or use whatever they like:

You can add raisins, nuts, chocolate chips – whatever floats your boat.

float around phrasal verb informal

to be present in a place:

There’s a lot of cash floating around in the economy at the moment.

II. float 2 BrE AmE noun [countable]

1 . VEHICLE a large vehicle that is decorated to drive through the streets as part of a special event:

We stood and watched the Carnival floats drive past.

2 . DRINK American English a sweet drink that has ice cream floating in it

3 .

FOR FISHING a small light object that floats on the surface of the water, used by people trying to catch fish to show where their line is

4 . FOR SWIMMING a flat light object that you can rest part of your body on in water to help you learn to swim

5 . MONEY a small amount of money that someone in a shop keeps so that they have enough money to give change to people

6 . BUSINESS a time when ↑ share s in a company are made available for people to buy for the first time SYN flotation

7 . RELAXATION a time when you sit in a ↑ flotation tank in order to treat illness or injury, or to relax

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.      Longman - Словарь современного английского языка.