ˌspot-ˈon BrE AmE adjective British English informal
exactly right:
Judith is always spot-on with her advice.
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▪ right not wrong – used about something someone says, or about the person who says it:
the right answer
You were right about the colour.
‘He’s about thirty, isn’t he?’ ‘That’s right.’
▪ correct right. Correct sounds more formal than right :
the correct answer
He is absolutely correct.
Unfortunately, this information is not correct.
▪ accurate right – used about information, measurements, descriptions etc:
Make sure that your measurements are accurate.
an accurate description of the suspect
▪ exact an exact number, amount, or time is completely correct, and is no more and no less than it should be:
The exact time is 9.28 a.m.
The exact weight of the baby was 3.3 kilos.
▪ spot-on British English spoken informal exactly right – used especially about guesses or things people say:
His answer was spot-on.
You’re spot-on.