Meaning of BACK in English


Function: transitive verb

Date: 1548

1 a : to support by material or moral assistance ― often used with up b : SUBSTANTIATE c : to assume financial responsibility for d : to provide musical accompaniment for ― often used with up

2 a : to cause to go back or in reverse b : to articulate (a sound) with the tongue farther back

3 a : to furnish with a back b : to be at the back of

intransitive verb

1 : to move backward ― often used with up

2 of the wind : to shift counterclockwise ― compare VEER

3 : to have the back in the direction of something

synonyms see SUPPORT , RECEDE

– back · er \ ' ba-k ə r \ noun

– back and fill

1 : to manage the sails of a ship so as to keep it clear of obstructions as it floats down with the current of a river or channel

2 : to take opposite positions alternately : SHILLY-SHALLY

– back into : to get into inadvertently < backed into the antiques business>

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.