Function: noun
Date: 1530
1 : a product of cutting: as a (1) : an opening made with an edged instrument (2) : a wound made by something sharp : GASH b : a creek, channel, or inlet made by excavation or worn by natural action c : a surface or outline left by cutting d : a passage cut as a roadway e : a grade or step especially in a social scale <a cut above the ordinary> f : a subset of a set such that when it is subtracted from the set the remainder is not connected g : a pictorial illustration h : TRACK 1E(2)
2 : the act or an instance of cutting: as a : a gesture or expression that hurts the feelings <made an unkind cut > b : a straight passage or course c : a stroke or blow with the edge of a knife or other edged tool d : a lash with or as if with a whip e : the act of reducing or removing a part <a cut in pay> f : an act or turn of cutting cards also : the result of cutting g : the elimination of part of a large field from further participation, consideration, or competition (as in a golf tournament) ― often used with miss or make to denote respectively being or not being among those eliminated <played well and made the cut >
3 : something that is cut or cut off: as a : a length of cloth varying from 40 to 100 yards (36.6 to 91.4 meters) b : the yield of products cut especially during one harvest c : a segment or section of a meat carcass or a part of one d : a group of animals selected from a herd e : SHARE <took his cut of the profits>
4 : a voluntary absence from a class
5 a : a stroke that cuts a ball also : the spin imparted by such a stroke b : a swing by a batter at a pitched baseball c : an exchange of captures in checkers
6 : a result of editing: as a : an abrupt transition from one sound or image to another in motion pictures, radio, or television b : an edited version of a film
7 a : the shape and style in which a thing is cut, formed, or made <clothes of the latest cut > b : PATTERN , TYPE c : HAIRCUT
– cut of one's jib : APPEARANCE , STYLE