Meaning of DARK in English


Pronunciation: ' därk

Function: adjective

Etymology: Middle English derk, from Old English deorc; akin to Old High German tarchannen to hide

Date: before 12th century

1 a : devoid or partially devoid of light : not receiving, reflecting, transmitting, or radiating light <a dark room> b : transmitting only a portion of light < dark glasses>

2 a : wholly or partially black < dark clothing> b of a color : of low or very low lightness c : being less light in color than other substances of the same kind < dark rum>

3 a : arising from or showing evil traits or desires : EVIL <the dark powers that lead to war> b : DISMAL , GLOOMY <had a dark view of the future> c : lacking knowledge or culture : UNENLIGHTENED <a dark period in history> d : relating to grim or depressing circumstances < dark humor>

4 a : not clear to the understanding b : not known or explored because of remoteness <the dark est reaches of the continent>

5 : not fair in complexion : SWARTHY

6 : SECRET <kept his plans dark >

7 : possessing depth and richness <a dark voice>

8 : closed to the public <the theater is dark in the summer>

synonyms see OBSCURE

– dark · ish \ ' där-kish \ adjective

– dark · ly adverb

– dark · ness noun

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.