Meaning of DOUBLE in English


Function: verb

Inflected Form: dou · bled ; dou · bling \ ' d ə -b( ə -)li ŋ \

Date: 13th century

transitive verb

1 : to make twice as great or as many: as a : to increase by adding an equal amount b : to amount to twice the number of c : to make a call in bridge that increases the value of odd tricks or undertricks at (an opponent's bid)

2 a : to bend or fold (as a sheet of paper) usually in the middle so that one part lies directly against the other part b : CLENCH < doubled his fist> c : to cause to stoop

3 : to avoid by doubling : ELUDE

4 a : to replace in a dramatic role b : to play (dramatic roles) by doubling

5 a (1) : to advance or score (a base runner) by a double (2) : to bring about the scoring of (a run) by a double b : to put out (a base runner) in completing a double play

intransitive verb

1 a : to become twice as much or as many b : to double a bid (as in bridge)

2 a : to turn sharply and suddenly especially : to turn back on one's course <the rabbit doubled back on its tracks> b : to follow a circuitous course

3 : to become bent or folded usually in the middle ― usually used with up <she doubled up in pain>

4 a : to serve an additional purpose or perform an additional duty b : to play a dramatic role as a double

5 : to make a double in baseball

– dou · bler \ -b( ə -)l ə r \ noun

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.