Meaning of LAND in English


Pronunciation: ' land

Function: noun

Usage: often attrib

Etymology: Middle English, from Old English; akin to Old High German lant land, Middle Irish lann

Date: before 12th century

1 a : the solid part of the surface of the earth also : a corresponding part of a celestial body (as the moon) b : ground or soil of a specified situation, nature, or quality <dry land > c : the surface of the earth and all its natural resources

2 : a portion of the earth's solid surface distinguishable by boundaries or ownership <bought land in the country>: as a : COUNTRY <the finest cheese in all the land > b : a rural area characterized by farming or ranching also : farming or ranching as a way of life <wanted to move back to the land >

3 : REALM , DOMAIN <in the land of dreams> ― sometimes used in combination <TV- land >

4 : the people of a country <the land rose in rebellion>

5 : an area of a partly machined surface (as the inside of a gun barrel) that is left without machining

– land · less \ ' land-l ə s \ adjective

– land · less · ness \ -n ə s \ noun

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