Meaning of LEVEL in English


Function: adjective

Date: 15th century

1 a : having no part higher than another : conforming to the curvature of the liquid parts of the earth's surface b : parallel with the plane of the horizon : HORIZONTAL

2 a : even or unvarying in height b : equal in advantage, progression, or standing c : proceeding monotonously or uneventfully d (1) : STEADY , UNWAVERING <gave him a level look> (2) : CALM , UNEXCITED <spoke in level tones>

3 : REASONABLE , BALANCED <arrive at a justly proportional and level judgment on this affair ― Sir Winston Churchill>

4 : distributed evenly < level stress>

5 : being a surface perpendicular to all lines of force in a field of force : EQUIPOTENTIAL

6 : suited to a particular rank or plane of ability or achievement <top- level thinking>

7 : of or relating to the spreading out of a cost or charge in even payments over a period of time

– lev · el · ly \ ' le-v ə (l)-l ē \ adverb

– lev · el · ness \ -v ə l-n ə s \ noun

– level best : very best

synonyms LEVEL , FLAT , PLANE , EVEN , SMOOTH mean having a surface without bends, curves, or irregularities. LEVEL applies to a horizontal surface that lies on a line parallel with the horizon <the vast prairies are nearly level >. FLAT applies to a surface devoid of noticeable curvatures, prominences, or depressions <the work surface must be flat >. PLANE applies to any real or imaginary flat surface in which a straight line between any two points on it lies wholly within that surface <the plane sides of a crystal>. EVEN applies to a surface that is noticeably flat or level or to a line that is observably straight <trim the hedge so it is even >. SMOOTH applies especially to a polished surface free of irregularities <a smooth skating rink>.

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.