Meaning of LONG in English

n. at long last

the long and the short

long haired

as long as

before long

hour long

not long for

long in the tooth

so long

the long and short

long ago

long ball

long bone

long chain

long day

long distance

long division

long drawn out

long drawn

long face

long green

long haul

long horned beetle

long horned grasshopper

long horse

long hundredweight

long johns

long jump

long jumper

long leaved pine

long liner

long lining

long lived

long meter

long measure

long playing

long range

long run

long shot

by a long shot

long sighted

long sightedness

long since

long standing

long suffering

long sufferingly

long suit

long tailed duck

long term

long term potentiation

Long Tom

long ton

long view

long winded

long windedness

long windedly

so long as

yard long bean

De Long

Long Beach

Long Branch

Long Island

Long Islander

Long Island City

Long Island Sound

Long Xuyen

Longs Peak

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.