Meaning of LOW in English


Function: adjective

Inflected Form: low · er \ ' l ō - ə r \ ; low · est \ ' l ō - ə st \

Etymology: Middle English lah, low, from Old Norse l ā gr; akin to Middle High German læge low, flat; probably akin to Old English licgan to lie

Date: 12th century

1 a : having a small upward extension or elevation <a low wall> b : situated or passing little above a reference line, point, or plane < low bridges> c (1) : having a low-cut neckline (2) : not extending as high as the ankle < low oxfords>

2 a : situated or passing below the normal level, surface, or base of measurement, or the mean elevation < low ground> b : marking a nadir or bottom <the low point of his career>

3 : DEAD ― used as a predicate adjective with lay <laid the enemy low >

4 a : not loud : SOFT b : FLAT 8A c : characterized by being toward the bottom of the range of pitch attainable (as by an instrument)

5 a : being near the equator < low northern latitudes> b : being near the horizon

6 : socially or economically humble in character or status <a person of low birth>

7 a : lacking strength, health, or vitality : WEAK , PROSTRATE <very low with pneumonia> b : lacking spirit or vivacity : DEPRESSED <a low frame of mind>

8 a : of lesser degree, size, or amount than average or ordinary < low energy> b (1) : small in number or amount (2) : SUBSTANDARD , INADEQUATE <a low level of employment> <a low income group> (3) : CHEAP < low prices> (4) : SHORT , DEPLETED <oil is in low supply> c : of lesser position, rank, or order

9 : falling short of some standard: as a : lacking dignity or elevation <a low style of writing> b : morally reprehensible : BASE <a low trick> c : COARSE , VULGAR < low language>

10 a : not advanced in complexity, development, or elaboration < low organisms> b often capitalized : LOW CHURCH

11 : UNFAVORABLE , DISPARAGING <had a low opinion of him>

12 : designed for slow and usually the slowest speed < low gear>

13 : articulated with a wide opening between the relatively flat tongue and the palate : OPEN < \ ä \ is a low vowel>

14 : intended to attract little attention <kept a low profile>

15 : being near the basket or net <a player in the low post>

synonyms see BASE

– low adverb

– low · ness noun

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.