Pronunciation: m ə - ' sh ē n
Function: noun
Usage: often attrib
Etymology: Middle French, from Latin machina, from Greek m ē chan ē (Dor dialect machana ), from m ē chos means, expedient ― more at MAY
Date: circa 1545
1 a archaic : a constructed thing whether material or immaterial b : CONVEYANCE , VEHICLE especially : AUTOMOBILE c archaic : a military engine d : any of various apparatuses formerly used to produce stage effects e (1) : an assemblage of parts that transmit forces, motion, and energy one to another in a predetermined manner (2) : an instrument (as a lever) designed to transmit or modify the application of power, force, or motion f : a mechanically, electrically, or electronically operated device for performing a task g : a coin-operated device <a cigarette machine > h : MACHINERY ― used with the or in plural
2 a : a living organism or one of its functional systems b : one that resembles a machine (as in being methodical, tireless, or consistently productive) <a gifted publicist and quote machine ― John Lancaster> c (1) : a combination of persons acting together for a common end along with the agencies they use (2) : a highly organized political group under the leadership of a boss or small clique
3 : a literary device or contrivance introduced for dramatic effect