Meaning of OPEN in English


Function: verb

Inflected Form: opened \ ' ō -p ə nd, ' ō -p ə md \ ; open · ing \ ' ō p-ni ŋ , ' ō -p ə - \

Date: before 12th century

transitive verb

1 a : to move (as a door) from a closed position b : to make available for entry or passage by turning back (as a barrier) or removing (as a cover or an obstruction)

2 a : to make available for or active in a regular function < open a new store> b : to make accessible for a particular purpose < open ed new land for settlement> < open the way for changes> c : to initiate access to (a computer file) prior to use

3 a : to disclose or expose to view : REVEAL b : to make more discerning or responsive : ENLIGHTEN <must open our minds to the problems> c : to bring into view or come in sight of by changing position

4 a : to make an opening in < open ed the boil> b : to loosen and make less compact < open the soil>

5 : to spread out : UNFOLD < open ed the book>

6 a : to enter upon : BEGIN < open ed the meeting> b : to commence action in a card game by making (a first bid), putting a first bet in (the pot), or playing (a card or suit) as first lead

7 : to restore or recall (as an order) from a finally determined state to a state in which the parties are free to prosecute or oppose

intransitive verb

1 : to become open <the office open ed early>

2 a : to spread out : EXPAND <the wound open ed under the strain> b : to become disclosed <a beautiful vista open ed before us>

3 : to become enlightened or responsive

4 : to give access <the rooms open onto a hall>

5 : SPEAK OUT 2 <finally he open ed freely on the subject>

6 a : to begin a course or activity <the play open s on Tuesday> b : to make a bet, bid, or lead in commencing a round or hand of a card game

7 : to provide the opening performance of a show before the main event

– open · abil · i · ty \ ˌ ō p-n ə - ' bi-l ə -t ē , ˌ ō -p ə - \ noun

– open · able \ ' ō p-n ə -b ə l, ' ō -p ə - \ adjective

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.