Pronunciation: ri- ' m ō t
Function: adjective
Inflected Form: re · mot · er ; -est
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin remotus, from past participle of remov ē re to remove
Date: 15th century
1 : separated by an interval or space greater than usual <an involucre remote from the flower>
2 : far removed in space, time, or relation : DIVERGENT <the remote past> <comments remote from the truth>
3 : OUT-OF-THE-WAY , SECLUDED <a remote cabin in the hills>
4 : acting, acted on, or controlled indirectly or from a distance < remote computer operation> also : relating to the acquisition of information about a distant object (as by radar or photography) without coming into physical contact with it < remote sensing>
5 : not arising from a primary or proximate action
6 : small in degree : SLIGHT <a remote possibility> <hadn't the remotest idea of what was going on>
7 : distant in manner : ALOOF
– re · mote · ly adverb
– re · mote · ness noun