Pronunciation: ' r ə f
Function: adjective
Inflected Form: rough · er ; rough · est
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English r ū h; akin to Old High German r ū h rough, Lithuanian raukas wrinkle
Date: before 12th century
1 a : marked by inequalities, ridges, or projections on the surface : COARSE b : covered with or made up of coarse and often shaggy hair < rough -coated collie> ― compare SMOOTH , WIREHAIRED c (1) : having a broken, uneven, or bumpy surface < rough terrain> (2) : difficult to travel through or penetrate : WILD <into the rough woods ― P. B. Shelley>
2 a : TURBULENT , TEMPESTUOUS < rough seas> b (1) : characterized by harshness, violence, or force (2) : presenting a challenge : DIFFICULT < rough to deal with ― R. M. McAlmon>
3 : coarse or rugged in character or appearance: as a : harsh to the ear b : crude in style or expression c : INDELICATE d : marked by a lack of refinement or grace : UNCOUTH
4 a : CRUDE , UNFINISHED < rough carpentry> b : executed or ventured hastily, tentatively, or imperfectly <a rough draft> < rough estimate> also : APPROXIMATE <a rough idea>
– rough · ish \ ' r ə -fish \ adjective
– rough · ness \ ' r ə f-n ə s \ noun
synonyms ROUGH , HARSH , UNEVEN , RUGGED , SCABROUS mean not smooth or even. ROUGH implies points, bristles, ridges, or projections on the surface <a rough wooden board>. HARSH implies a surface or texture distinctly unpleasant to the touch <a harsh fabric that chafes the skin>. UNEVEN implies a lack of uniformity in height, breadth, or quality <an old house with uneven floors>. RUGGED implies irregularity or roughness of land surface and connotes difficulty of travel <a rugged landscape>. SCABROUS implies scaliness or prickliness of surface <a scabrous leaf>. synonym see in addition RUDE