Pronunciation: ' sn ō
Function: noun
Usage: often attrib
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English sn ā w; akin to Old High German sn ē o snow, Latin niv-, nix, Greek nipha (acc.)
Date: before 12th century
1 a : precipitation in the form of small white ice crystals formed directly from the water vapor of the air at a temperature of less than 32°F (0°C) b (1) : a descent or shower of snow crystals (2) : a mass of fallen snow crystals
2 : something resembling snow: as a : a dessert made of stiffly beaten whites of eggs, sugar, and fruit pulp <apple snow > b : a usually white crystalline substance that condenses from a fluid phase as snow does <ammonia snow > c slang (1) : COCAINE (2) : HEROIN d : small transient light or dark spots on a television screen
– snow · less \ -l ə s \ adjective