Synonyms and related words :
Benzedrine, Benzedrine pill, C, Dexamyl, Dexamyl pill, Dexedrine, Dexedrine pill, Methedrine, accord, administer, afford, alabaster, allot, allow, amphetamine, amphetamine sulfate, avalanche, award, bamboozle, beguile, bestow, bestow on, betray, black spot, blizzard, bloom, blooping, bluff, cajole, chalk, cheat on, circumvent, cocaine, coke, communicate, confer, conjure, crystal, deal, deal out, deceive, definition, delude, dextroamphetamine sulfate, diddle, dish out, dispense, dole, dole out, donate, double-cross, driven snow, dupe, extend, flake, flare, fleece, flour, flurry, foam, football, forestall, fork out, fringe area, frost, gammon, get around, ghost, gift, gift with, give, give freely, give out, grant, granular snow, granulation, grid, gull, hail, hand out, hard shadow, heap, heart, help to, hoax, hocus-pocus, hornswaggle, humbug, ice, ice over, ice up, igloo, image, impart, issue, ivory, jolly bean, juggle, lavish, let down, let have, lily, maggot, mantle of snow, mete, mete out, methamphetamine hydrochloride, milk, mock, mogul, multiple image, noise, offer, outmaneuver, outreach, outsmart, outwit, overreach, paper, pearl, pep pill, picture, picture noise, picture shifts, pigeon, play one false, pour, present, proffer, purple heart, put something over, rain, render, rolling, scanning pattern, scintillation, serve, shading, sheet, shell out, shower, silver, sleet, slip, slosh, slush, snow banner, snow bed, snow blanket, snow blast, snow fence, snow flurry, snow in, snow roller, snow slush, snow squall, snow under, snow wreath, snow-crystal, snowball, snowbank, snowbridge, snowcap, snowdrift, snowfall, snowfield, snowflake, snowland, snowman, snowscape, snowshed, snowslide, snowslip, snowstorm, speed, stimulant, string along, swan, take in, tender, trick, two-time, upper, vouchsafe, wet snow, yield