Pronunciation: ' tab
Function: noun
Usage: often attrib
Etymology: origin unknown
Date: 1607
1 a : a short projecting device: as (1) : a small flap or loop by which something may be grasped or pulled (2) : a projection from a card used as an aid in filing b : a small insert, addition, or remnant c : APPENDAGE , EXTENSION especially : one of a series of small pendants forming a decorative border or edge of a garment d : a small auxiliary airfoil hinged to a control surface (as a trailing edge) to help stabilize an airplane in flight ― see AIRPLANE illustration
2 [partly short for 1 table; partly from sense 1] a : close surveillance : WATCH <keep tab s on trends> b : a creditor's statement : BILL , CHECK c : COST <the tab for the new program>
3 [by shortening] a : TABLOID b : TABLET
4 [short for tabulator ] : a key on a keyboard especially for arranging data in columns