Meaning of ANGLE in English

[] n [ME, fr. MF, fr. L angulus] (14c) 1: a corner whether constituting a projecting part or a partially enclosed space "they sheltered in an ~ of the building"

2. a: the figure formed by two lines extending from the same point; also: dihedral angle b: a measure of an angle or of the amount of turning necessary to bring one line or plane into coincidence with or parallel to another 3 a: the precise viewpoint from which something is observed or considered; also: the aspect seen from such an angle b (1): a special approach, point of attack, or technique for accomplishing an objective (2): an often improper or illicit method of obtaining advantage "he always had an ~ to beat the other fellow"

4: a sharply divergent course "the road went off at an ~"

5: a position to the side of an opponent in football from which a player may block his opponent more effectively or without penalty--usu. used in the phrases get an angle or have an angle -- an.gled adj

[2]angle vb an.gled ; an.gling vi (1741): to turn or proceed at an angle ~ vt 1: to turn, move, or direct at an angle

2: to present (as a news story) from a particular or prejudiced point of view: slant [3]angle vi an.gled ; an.gling [ME angelen, fr. angel fishhook, fr. OE, fr. anga hook; akin to OHG ango hook, L uncus, Gk onkos barbed hook, ankos glen] (15c) 1: to fish with a hook

2: to use artful means to attain an objective "angled for an invitation" n [L Angli, pl., of Gmc origin; akin to OE Engle Angles] (bef. 12c): a member of a Germanic people that invaded England along with the Saxons and Jutes in the 5th century a.d. and merged with them to form the Anglo-Saxon peoples

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