Meaning of BLUE in English

[blue] adj ; blu.est [ME, fr. OF blou, of Gmc origin; akin to OHG blao blue; akin to L flavus yellow] (13c) 1: of the color blue

2. a: bluish b: discolored by or as if by bruising "~ with cold" c: bluish gray "~ cat" 3 a: low in spirits: melancholy b: marked by low spirits: depressing "a ~ funk" "things looked ~"

4: wearing blue

5. of a woman: learned, intellectual

6: puritanical

7. a: profane, indecent "~ movie" b: off-color, risque "~ jokes" 8: of, relating to, or used in blues "a ~ song" -- adv -- blue.ness n -- blue in the face : extremely exasperated

[2]blue n (13c) 1: a color whose hue is that of the clear sky or that of the portion of the color spectrum lying between green and violet

2. a: a pigment or dye that colors blue b: bluing 3 a: blue clothing or cloth b pl: a blue costume or uniform

4. a: a Union soldier in the Civil War b: the Union army

5. a (1): sky (2): the far distance b: sea

6: a blue object 7: bluestocking 8: any of numerous small chiefly blue butterflies (family Lycaenidae) 9: bluefish 10: blue cheese -- out of the blue : without advance notice: unexpectedly "the job offer came out of the blue" [3]blue vb blued ; or vt (1606): to make blue ~ vi: to turn blue

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