Meaning of BORE in English

[bore] vb bored ; [ME, fr. OE borian; akin to OHG boron to bore, L forare to bore, ferire to strike] vt (bef. 12c) 1: to pierce with a turning or twisting movement of a tool

2: to make (as a cylindrical hole) by boring or digging away material "bored a tunnel" ~ vi 1 a: to make a hole by or as if by boring b: to sink a mine shaft or well

2: to make one's way steadily esp. against resistance "we bored through the jostling crowd"

[2]bore n (14c) 1 a: a usu. cylindrical hole made by or as if by boring b chiefly Austral & NewZeal: a borehole drilled esp. to make an artesian well

2. a: the long usu. cylindrical hollow part of something (as a tube or gun barrel) b: the inner surface of a hollow cylindrical object

3: the size of a bore: as a: the interior diameter of a gun barrel; specif, chiefly Brit: gauge 1a(2) b: the diameter of an engine cylinder [3]bore past of bear [4]bore n [(assumed) ME bore wave, fr. ON bara] (1601): a tidal flood with a high abrupt front [5]bore n [origin unknown] (1766): one that causes boredom: as a: a tiresome person b: something that is devoid of interest [6]bore vt bored ; (1768): to cause to feel boredom

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