Meaning of CALL in English

[call] vb [ME, fr. ON kalla; akin to OE hildecalla battle herald, OHG kallon to talk loudly, OCS glasu voice] vi (bef. 12c) 1 a: to speak in a loud distinct voice so as to be heard at a distance: shout "~ for help" b: to make a request or demand "~ for an investigation" c of an animal: to utter a characteristic note or cry d: to get or try to get into communication by telephone--often used with up e: to make a demand in card games (as for a particular card or for a show of hands) f: to give the calls for a square dance

2: to make a brief visit "~ed to pay his respects" "~ed on a friend" ~ vt 1 a (1): to utter in a loud distinct voice--often used with out "~ out a number" (2): to announce or read loudly or authoritatively "~ the roll" "~ off a row of figures" b (1): to command or request to come or be present "~ed to testify" (2): to cause to come: bring "~s to mind an old saying" c: to summon to a particular activity, employment, or office "was ~ed to active duty" d: to invite or command to meet: convoke "~ a meeting" e: to rouse from sleep or summon to get up f (1): to give the order for: bring into action "~ a strike against the company" "~ a pitchout" (2): to manage by giving the signals or orders "that catcher ~s a good game" g (1): to make a demand in bridge for (a card or suit) (2): to require (a player) to show the hand in poker by making an equal bet (3): to challenge to make good on a statement (4): to charge with or censure for an offense "deserves to be ~ed on that" h: to attract (as game) by imitating the characteristic cry i: to halt (as a baseball game) because of unsuitable conditions j: to rule on the status of (as a pitched ball or a player's action) "~ balls and strikes" "~ a base runner safe" k: to give the calls for (a square dance)--often used with off l (1): to demand payment of esp. by formal notice "~ a loan" (2): to demand presentation of (as a bond or option) for redemption m (1): to get or try to get in communication with by telephone (2): to generate signals for (a telephone number) in order to reach the party to whom the number is assigned "~ 911" (3): to make a signal to in order to transmit a message "~ the flagship"

2. a: to speak of or address by a specified name: give a name to "~ her Kitty" b (1): to regard or characterize as of a certain kind: consider "can hardly be ~ed generous" (2): to estimate or consider for purposes of an estimate or for convenience "~ it an even dollar" c (1): to describe correctly in advance of or without knowledge of the event: predict (2): to name or specify in advance "~ the toss of a coin"

3: to tempora : to speak frankly -- call for 1: to call (as at one's house) to get "I'll call for you after dinner"

2: to require as necessary or appropriate "the job calls for typing skills" "the design calls for three windows" -- call forth : elicit, evoke "these events call forth great emotions" -- call in question or call into question : to cast doubt upon -- call it a day : to stop for the remainder of the day or for the present whatever one has been doing -- call it quits : to call it a day: quit -- call names : to address or speak of a person or thing contemptuously or offensively -- call on 1: to call upon

2: to elicit a response from (as a student) "the teacher called on her first" -- call one's bluff : to challenge in order to expose an empty pretense or threat -- call the shots : to be in charge or control: determine the policy or procedure -- call the tune : to call the shots -- call time : to ask for or grant a time-out -- call to account : to hold responsible: reprimand -- call upon 1: require, oblige "may be called upon to do several jobs"

2: to make a demand on: depend on "universities are called upon to produce trained professionals"

[2]call n (14c) 1 a: an act of calling with the voice: shout b: an imitation of the cry of a bird or other animal made to attract it c: an instrument used for calling "a duck ~" d: the cry of an animal (as a bird)

2. a: a request or command to come or assemble b: a summons or signal on a drum, bugle, or pipe c: admission to the bar as a barrister d: an invitation to become the minister of a church or to accept a professional appointment e: a divine vocation or strong inner prompting to a particular course of action f: a summoning of actors to rehearsal "the ~ is for 11 o'clock" g: the attraction or appeal of a particular activity, condition, or place "the ~ of the wild" h: an order specifying the number of men to be inducted into the armed services during a specified period i: the selection of a play in football 3 a: demand, claim b: need, justification c: a demand for payment of money d: an option to buy a specified amount of a security (as stock) or commodity (as wheat) at a fixed price at or within a specified time--compare put

2. e: an instance of asking for something: request "many ~s for Christmas stories"

4: roll call

5: a short usu. formal visit

6: the name or thing called "the ~ was heads" 7: the act of calling in a card game 8: the act of calling on the telephone 9: a direction or a succession of directions for a square dance rhythmically called to the dancers 10: a decision or ruling made by an official of a sports contest; also: decision 1 "a tough ~ to make" 11: a temporary transfer of control of computer processing to a particular set of instructions (as a subroutine or procedure) -- at call or on call 1 a: available for use: at the service of "thousands of men at his call" b: ready to respond to a summons or command "a doctor on call"

2: subject to demand for payment or return without previous notice "money lent at call" -- within call : within hearing or reach of a summons: subject to summons

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