Meaning of COPY in English

[copy] n, pl cop.ies [ME copie, fr. MF, fr. ML copia, fr. L, abundance--more at copious] (14c) 1: an imitation, transcript, or reproduction of an original work (as a letter, a painting, a table, or a dress)

2: one of a series of esp. mechanical reproductions of an original impression; also: an individual example of such a reproduction 3 archaic: something to be imitated: model

4. a: matter to be set esp. for printing b: something considered printable or newsworthy--used without an article "remarks that make good ~ --Norman Cousins" c: text esp. of an advertisement syn see reproduction

[2]copy vb cop.ied ; vt (14c) 1: to make a copy of

2: to model oneself on ~ vi 1: to make a copy

2: to undergo copying "the document did not ~ well" syn copy, imitate, mimic, ape, mock mean to make something so that it resembles an existing thing. copy suggests duplicating an original as nearly as possible "copied the painting and sold the fake as an original". imitate suggests following a model or a pattern but may allow for some variation "imitate a poet's style". mimic implies a close copying (as of voice or mannerism) often for fun, ridicule, or lifelike imitation "pupils mimicking their teacher". ape may suggest presumptuous, slavish, or inept imitating of a superior original "American fashion designers aped their European colleagues". mock usu. implies imitation with derision "mocking a vain man's pompous manner".

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