1 document/work of art
▪ accurate , faithful , good
▪ cheap , crude , poor
It was not the original painting, but a crude ~.
▪ carbon , exact , facsimile ( esp. BrE ), identical , perfect , true
The twins were carbon copies of each other.
It must be certified as a true ~ of the original document.
▪ draft , working
▪ clean , fair
▪ master , original , top
Take a photocopy of the master ~.
▪ additional , duplicate , extra , further , second , spare
▪ multiple
The copier had been set for multiple copies.
▪ modern
▪ certified
▪ photographic , photostat , Xerox™ ( esp. AmE )
▪ backup
Remember to make backup copies of all your disks.
▪ read-only
▪ hard , paper , printed
You will need to supply a hard-copy version of all files.
▪ digital , electronic
▪ create , make , print , run off , take
I ran off a couple of copies of the letter.
▪ attach , enclose
I attach a ~ of the report.
Please find enclosed a ~ of the draft document.
▪ email , forward , send
▪ circulate , distribute , supply
Copies of the article were circulated to members of the committee.
▪ get , obtain , receive
▪ keep
Remember to keep copies of all your correspondence.
▪ machine ( AmE )
▪ room ( AmE )
▪ center , shop (both AmE )
▪ paper
▪ ~ of
I don't keep copies of my own letters.
2 book, newspaper, etc.
▪ additional , extra , further , second , spare
▪ only , single
▪ back ( esp. BrE ), old
I have a few back copies of the newspaper.
▪ advance
Advance copies of the book were sent out to reviewers.
▪ evaluation , review
▪ complimentary , free
Free copies of the leaflet are available.
▪ bootleg , illegal , pirate , pirated , unauthorized
pirated copies of the latest movie releases
▪ manuscript , printed , proof
▪ hardback , paperback
▪ digital , electronic
▪ CD , DVD
▪ bound , leather-bound , presentation
The candidate must submit two bound copies of his or her thesis.
▪ battered , dog-eared , old , tattered , well-thumbed , worn
my battered ~ of Shakespeare's plays
▪ second-hand , used
▪ perfect , pristine
▪ own , personal
Charles I's personal ~ of the psalter
▪ autographed , signed
▪ print , produce
▪ circulate , distribute , sell
▪ buy , order , request
▪ download
▪ have , own
▪ borrow
▪ autograph , sign
Author Bob Woodhouse will be signing copies of his new book.
▪ circulate
Even with the new legislation pirate copies will circulate.
▪ be available
▪ ~ of
my own ~ of ‘Beowulf’
3 written material
▪ good , great
▪ ad ( informal ), advertising , marketing , promotional
▪ editorial
▪ knocking ( BrE , informal )
Knocking ~ (= writing that just says how bad sb/sth is) is simply lazy journalism.
▪ edit , prepare , produce , write
those who prepare the reporters' ~ for the paper
▪ make
This will make great ~ for the advertisement.
▪ editor , writer (usually copywriter )
▪ deadline
The ~ deadline for the next issue is May 1.
▪ desk (= part of a newsroom where articles are given a final edit) ( AmE )
1 make a copy
▪ illegally
illegally copied software
▪ from , onto
Data can be copied from the computer onto disk.
▪ ~ and paste
Use the clipboard to ~ and paste information from websites.
▪ be widely copied
The product has been widely copied by other manufacturers.
2 write sth down exactly
▪ carefully , laboriously , meticulously
▪ exactly , faithfully , word for word
▪ down , out
I copied down several phone numbers from the list.
They laboriously copied out manuscripts.
▪ from , into , onto
She copied all the addresses from the website into her address book.
He copied all the details from the brochure onto a piece of paper.
3 do the same as sb else
▪ blindly , slavishly
She slavishly copies the older girl's style.
▪ from
He copied that mannerism from his brother.
▪ off
She was caught ~ing off another student.
Copy is used with these nouns as the object: ↑ CD , ↑ disk , ↑ DVD , ↑ file , ↑ model , ↑ movement , ↑ painting , ↑ photograph , ↑ program , ↑ style