[crys.tal] n [ME cristal, fr. OF, fr. L crystallum, fr. Gk krystallos--more at crust] (13c) 1: quartz that is transparent or nearly so and that is either colorless or only slightly tinged
2: something resembling crystal in transparency and colorlessness
3: a body that is formed by the solidification of a chemical element, a compound, or a mixture and has a regularly repeating internal arrangement of its atoms and often external plane faces
4: a clear colorless glass of superior quality; also: objects or ware of such glass
5: the glass or transparent plastic cover over a watch or clock dial
6: a crystalline material used in electronics as a frequency-determining element or for rectification 7: powdered methamphetamine
[2]crystal adj (14c) 1: consisting of or resembling crystal: clear, lucid
2: relating to or using a crystal "a ~ radio receiver"