[drain] vb [ME draynen, fr. OE dreahnian--more at dry] vt (bef. 12c) 1 obs: filter
2. a: to draw off (liquid) gradually or completely "~ed all the water out" b: to cause the gradual disappearance of c: to exhaust physically or emotionally 3 a: to make gradually dry "~ a swamp" b: to carry away the surface water of "the river that ~s the valley" c: to deplete or empty by or as if by drawing off by degrees or in increments d: to empty by drinking the contents of
4: drop 7c, sink "~ed the putt" ~ vi 1 a: to flow off gradually b: to disappear gradually: dwindle
2: to become emptied or freed of liquid by its flowing or dropping
3: to discharge surface or surplus water syn see deplete -- drain.er n
[2]drain n (1552) 1: a means (as a pipe) by which usu. liquid matter is drained
2. a: the act of draining b: a gradual outflow or withdrawal: depletion
3: something that causes depletion: burden
4: an electrode in a field-effect transistor toward which charge carriers move--compare gate, source -- down the drain : to a state of being wasted or irretrievably lost