[feed] vb fed ; feed.ing [ME feden, fr. OE fedan; akin to OE foda food--more at food] vt (bef. 12c) 1 a: to give food to b: to give as food
2. a: to furnish something essential to the growth, sustenance, maintenance, or operation of b: to supply (material to be operated on) to a machine
3: to produce or provide food for
4. a: satisfy, gratify b: support, encourage
5. a (1): to supply for use or consumption (2): channel, route b (1): to supply (a signal) to an electronic circuit (2): to send (as by wire or satellite) to a transmitting station for broadcast
6: to supply (a fellow actor) with cues and situations that make a role more effective 7: to pass a ball or puck to (a teammate) esp. for a shot at the goal ~ vi 1 a: to consume food: eat b: prey--used with on, upon, or off
2: to become nourished or satisfied or sustained as if by food 3 a: to become channeled or directed b: to move into a machine or opening in order to be used or processed
[2]feed n (1576) 1 a: an act of eating b: meal; esp: a large meal
2. a: food for livestock; specif: a mixture or preparation for feeding livestock b: the amount given at each feeding 3 a: material supplied (as to a furnace or machine) b: a mechanism by which the action of feeding is effected c: the motion or process of carrying forward the material to be operated upon (as in a machine) d: the process of feeding a television program (as to a local station)
4: the action of passing a ball or puck to a team member who is in position to score